Coastal Resources, Inc. (CRI) led the agency coordination for this large and complex NEPA study to assess options for a new or expanded crossing of the Chesapeake Bay. The Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study: Tier 1 NEPA (Bay Crossing Study) aims to identify a general corridor location for a new Bay crossing to address existing and future congestion at the Bay Bridge and its approaches along US 50 and US 301. The study spans nearly 100 miles of the Chesapeake Bay from the northern-most portion in Harford and Cecil counties to the southern border with Virginia between St. Mary’s and Somerset counties. Once a corridor is identified in Tier 1, a Tier 2 NEPA would be necessary to evaluate specific alignments within the broader selected Tier 1 corridor. CRI assisted in development of an overall agency coordination strategy and prepared the agency coordination plan for concurrence by the agencies. The coordination plan laid out a framework for agency participation including responsibilities of each level of agency involvement (cooperating, participating, or notified). The plan also outlined the schedule of interagency coordination meetings as well as project and agency concurrence milestones from project initiation through FEIS/ROD. Throughout Tier 1, CRI developed ongoing project status presentations, coordinated and facilitated the inter-agency meetings, prepared meeting summaries, and worked with environmental regulators and managers to obtain concurrence on project milestones. Early in the project, CRI developed the methodology memo for natural resources for agency concurrence on study scope and approach and to guide the Tier 1 assessment of natural resources in the EIS. CRI participated in public meetings to provide information to citizens on the NEPA process, Tier 1 study approach, and natural resource assessments. CRI coordinated agency review of technical reports, DEIS drafts, and other key documents, assisted with compilation of the administrative record, and compiled the agency correspondence appendix for the DEIS. During FEIS, CRI assisted with agency comment response on the Tier 1 DEIS and drafted the agency coordination section and parts of the related appendix. CRI will continue to facilitate the ongoing agency coordination during preparation of the FEIS and ROD, including obtaining concurrence on the Tier 1 Selected Corridor Alternative. Location: Length of Chesapeake Bay in Maryland Client: Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Key Services: Agency CoordinationNEPA Support