Assisting transportation agencies and prime transportation engineering firms anticipate and comply with a multi-layered framework of federal, state, and local environmental regulations has been the primary focus of CRI’s work for over four decades. CRI’s deep expertise at the intersection of transportation infrastructure and natural resource regulations has been instrumental in many of the Mid-Atlantic region’s largest and most complex transportation investments. Some of CRI’s transportation clients include: Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT)State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA)Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA)Maryland Transit Administration (MDOT MTA)Maryland Aviation Administration (MDOT MAA)Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT)District Department of Transportation (DDOT)Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority (MWAA)AmtrackCSX Representative Projects I-95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension Design-Build Project Environmental Assessments Stafford County, VA I-495 & I-270 Managed Lanes Study Montgomery & Prince George's Counties, MD Long Bridge Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Washington, DC New Nice/Middleton Bridge Replacement Project, Re-Evaluation, Permitting and Mitigation Charles County, MD and King George, VA Purple Line Study and General Engineering Consultants Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties, MD Susquehanna River Bridge Reconstruction and Expansion Project Harford & Cecil Counties, MD Wetland and Bog Turtle Evaluations DelDOT Agreement 1841F Delaware, Statewide