Coastal Resources, Inc. has been obtaining wetland and waterways and other natural resource permits and approvals for over 35 years and has an intimate understanding of the regulatory requirements surrounding the many resources that could potentially be impacted by a project. Through its long and varied experience, CRI has developed an excellent working relationship with regulatory agency personnel. We strive to facilitate compromise and mutually satisfying solutions that allow for project success as well as resource protection. We are adept at developing permitting approaches and facilitating effective agency coordination processes for large, complex, and/or controversial projects, as well as counseling clients on any sized project how to proactively factor in permitting timelines or regulatory requirements into their project design and schedule to avoid costly project delays or redesign. Service Sheet Contact Us Our permitting experience includes: Section 404/401 Joint Permit Process401 Water Quality CertificationsForest Conservation ComplianceChesapeake Bay Critical Areas ApprovalRoadside Tree Permits Representative Projects Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project Phase 2 Fairfax and Loudoun Counties, VA EPD Project Management and Permitting Maryland, Statewide Intercounty Connector (ICC) Planning & General Engineering Contract (GEC) Montgomery & Prince George's Counties, MD MDE Permit Review Maryland, Statewide New Nice/Middleton Bridge Replacement Project, Re-Evaluation, Permitting and Mitigation Charles County, MD and King George, VA TMDL Environmental Permitting Coordination Maryland, Statewide Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study Tier 1 NEPA Length of Chesapeake Bay in Maryland