
Sensitive Species Surveys and Habitat Evaluations

Coastal Resources, Inc. has specialized experience in the field assessment of sensitive habitats and species listed as rare, threatened, or endangered (RTE) at the federal and state levels. CRI staff has performed hundreds of RTE species surveys throughout the Mid-Atlantic region and located new and previously unknown populations of sensitive species.  Our highly qualified staff scientists are certified for surveying sensitive species including Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania Qualified Bog Turtle Surveyors; Maryland Qualified Birders; USFWS Qualified Surveyors for the Small Whorled Pogonia; and Pennsylvania Wild Plant Management Permittees. 

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Our scientists are experienced in conducting and preparing:

  • Section 7 Biological Assessments
  • Phase 1-3 Bog Turtle Surveys and Monitoring
  • Wood Turtle Surveys
  • Rainbow Snake Monitoring
  • Essential Fish Habitat Assessments
  • Bald Eagle and Other Raptor Surveys and Monitoring
  • Vernal Pool Surveys, Including Tiger Salamanders and Barking Treefrogs
  • Forest Interior Dwelling Bird Surveys
  • RTE Plant Surveys
  • Freshwater Mussel Surveys
  • RTE Bat Surveys and Habitat Evaluations
  • RTE Invertebrates (Adult and Larval)
  • RTE Fish Relocation
  • And too many more to list.