Coastal Resources, Inc. (CRI) conducted endangered and threatened species surveys and wetland delineation boundary verification within the 10-mile-long transmission line segment between Church and Massey in northern Queen Anne’s and southern Kent counties, MD during two phases of the project in 2012 and 2020. In 2012, CRI provided coordination with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) regarding the presence of the state endangered eastern tiger salamander, barking treefrog, and featherfoil. CRI’s scientists first conducted a field survey to determine habitat suitability for these three listed species within the existing transmission line right of way. Suitable habitat was determined to be vernal pools, locally referred to as Delmarva bays. Eleven Delmarva bays were identified within the study area. Follow up targeted species surveys were conducted within each of the 11 bays. One bay was already a known occurrence site for eastern tiger salamanders. Egg masses of these salamanders were documented within this bay during DNR-led surveys earlier in the year, so no further surveys were conducted for this study. Also, no eastern tiger salamander larvae were found within any of the other surveyed Delmarva bays. The featherfoil plant was known to occur within the same Delmarva bay as the eastern tiger salamanders. Field surveys were conducted during the appropriate emergence time of the featherfoil, but no plants were observed in this or any of the other surveyed bays. The barking treefrog was known to occur within a Delmarva bay adjacent to the one that supports eastern tiger salamanders and featherfoil. No barking treefrogs were observed within the known occurrence site or any other bays during the surveys. Separate habitat characterization and targeted species survey reports were prepared for the client and DNR documenting the results of the habitat suitability assessment and the targeted species surveys. Specific impact avoidance and minimization measures were described. In 2020, the project was reinitiated, and CRI was contracted to verify and update the previous wetland delineations conducted by others, as well as update coordination and technical surveys related to sensitive species. DNR coordination in 2020 noted the potential presence of the species previously evaluated in the corridor as well as one new species, lowland loosestrife. CRI field verified the wetland boundaries, updating the GIS mapping as needed to reflect current conditions, and collecting additional wetland data where necessary to document those conditions. CRI is also currently conducting surveys for suitable habitat for the sensitive species noted by DNR. Once suitable habitat is identified, CRI will conduct targeted species surveys of those habitats during the appropriate survey window for each species. A wetland delineation memo, habitat assessment memo, and targeted species survey memo will be prepared as each study phase is completed. Location: Kent and Queen Anne’s Counties, MD Client: Electric Transmission Client Key Services: Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species Habitat Characterization and Species SurveyAgency CoordinationWetland Delineation