Coastal Resources, Inc. (CRI) is providing environmental services for the preparation of a landscape construction contract for the planting of 0.54 acres of Critical Area reforestation adjacent to the Firehouse Wetlands Mitigation Site in Worchester County, MD (in Showell, MD between Middle Branch and Church Branch). The area had previously been planted as Critical Area mitigation for the U.S. 13B project, but has since failed, which SHA suspects is due to poor soil conditions from previous sand and gravel mining activities. CRI was tasked with investigating the site to overcome previous tree planting failures. CRI conducted a field investigation of the project site to document existing conditions and to evaluate soils, hydrology and native species. During the site visit, soil samples were collected and sent to a lab for further testing. CRI also identified potential areas within the Firehouse mitigation site that would serve as suitable reforestation areas to satisfy Chesapeake Bay Critical Area mitigation requirements and surveyed the limits using a GPS unit. CRI also field checked for potential Roadside Tree Permit issues. Also, research was conducted on the most appropriate method for invasive species management of Lespedeza adjacent to a wetland. The proposed design recommendation includes deconsolidation of the soils, invasive species management and replanting of the area to ensure successful reforestation. All of the proposed reforestation area is located within the boundary of the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area. There is potential to expand the reforestation area towards the road as further critical area forest mitigation is needed. CRI submitted preliminary and final review packages to the State Highway Administration (SHA) that included design plans, a cost estimate and special provisions for all work including plantings, soil deconsolidation and amendments, tree protection and invasive species management. CRI also prepared meeting minutes and attended various milestone review meetings to discuss the design and address any comments or questions. In order to obtain an Erosion and Sediment Control permit, CRI prepared a submittal for SHA’s Plan Review Division. The submittal included an Application for Sediment Control/Stormwater Management Plan Approval, Erosion and Sediment Control Plans, updated Special Provisions and a Stormwater Management Report. Location: Worcester County, MD Client: MDOT State Highway Administration – Landscape Architecture Division Key Services: Chesapeake Bay Forest MitigationInvasive Species Management