Coastal Resources Inc. (CRI) was the prime consultant on this multi-year open-end contract with the Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works (DPW). Under this contract, CRI monitored the Haskell Drive Stream Bank Stabilization Project for 5 years, an environmental enhancement project located off Mago Vista Road, southwest of Haskell Drive in Arnold, MD. The purpose of this project was to restore and stabilize the existing eroded channel; to provide a stable downstream channel and to enhance the ecological functions of the stream through the installation of in-stream stone weirs/structures and step pools, and to reconnect the incised channel to the floodplain. Overall, the project stabilized and rehabilitated approximately 600 linear feet of stream. The project was constructed under the terms and conditions of a US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Nationwide Permit. Certain special conditions associated with post-construction monitoring were incorporated into the permit. Based on the permit conditions, CRI monitored the project for five (5) consecutive years to identify and evaluate changes in cross-section, pattern and profile, bed material, channel stability, structural stability and condition, and vegetation viability. The monitoring efforts included topographic surveys of monumented cross-sections within the project area, visual field observations, photographic documentation, vegetation viability measurements, and identifying any necessary corrective measures. Vegetative monitoring was also conducted to determine plantings survival rates for five (5) consecutive years, following the completion of the project. Additionally, the permit specified that up to four (4) site visits would be performed annually for five (5) years following major storm events, with visual observations of changes being documented and summarized. A brief memorandum to the County following each site visit conducted during the monitoring period was prepared. Annually, CRI developed and submitted a draft and final monitoring report to the County for submission to the regulatory agencies for the 5 consecutive years. Location: Anne Arundel County, MD Client: Anne Arundel County DPW – Bureau of Engineering Key Services: Stream AssessmentVegetative MonitoringData Management and AnalysisReport Preparation