Coastal Resources, Inc. (CRI) conducted a waterways and wetlands delineation within the client’s 4-mile long, approximately 300-foot-wide transmission line segment beginning at the Keeney substation northeast of Glasgow, Delaware and ending at the Rock Springs substation at the Delaware/Maryland state line in New Castle, DE. The client needed to perform various emergency maintenance repairs on this circuit. The project will utilize existing upland unpaved access roads within the ROW. A total of 36 waters of the U.S., including wetlands, were identified, delineated, and GPS located within the project-maintained ROW study area in accordance with the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region, Version 2.0. Data were collected at a total of ten wetland test plots meeting the hydrology, vegetation, and soil indicator requirements. Each wetland was also classified into the appropriate Cowardin classification, including emergent and scrub-shrub cover types. Wetland delineation mapping using ArcGIS illustrated flagged wetland/waterway boundaries and wetland/upland test plots on aerial base mapping. A shapefile of the wetland limits and flag locations was submitted to the client. This mapping was also included in a wetland and waterways delineation memorandum. The memorandum also included a brief narrative of all resources found within the study area with supporting summary table, field datasheets, and photographs. The memorandum was delivered to the client for use in assessing potential project-related impacts to wetlands and waterways and for engineering planning. Location: New Castle County, DE Client: Electric Transmission Client Key Services: Waters of the U.S. Including Wetlands DelineationGIS Mapping