
Kelly Branch Stream Restoration, Targeted Biological Monitoring Support

Coastal Resources, Inc. (CRI) was a subconsultant on this 5-year task to perform pre- and post-restoration biological monitoring for the Kelly Branch Stream Restoration Project in Timonium, Maryland.  The project consisted of approximately 3,400 linear feet of restoration along Kelly Branch and an unnamed tributary to Kelly Branch.  Goals of the project included reducing erosion, improving water quality, increasing ecological habitat, enhancing riparian buffers, and providing fish passage.  These goals were intended to address the issues of stream channelization, reductions in the riparian buffer, and a fish blockage at the stream crossing at East Timonium Road.  In order to determine whether ecological goals were met, annual biological monitoring included benthic macroinvertebrates, vernal pools, aquatic habitat, in-situ water quality, stream temperature, fish, and herpetofauna at 4 monitoring locations.  Two stations were located within the project area, one reference station was located upstream of the project area, and one station was downstream of the restoration boundaries.   

All monitoring was conducted in accordance with Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS) sampling protocols.  Spring sampling included benthic macroinvertebrate collection using 20-jab dip-net samples in the most suitable available habitats; habitat assessments using the MBSS method; vernal pool assessments; and in-situ water chemistry measurements.  The summer index period monitoring included MBSS summer habitat assessment; in-situ water chemistry; continuous stream temperature monitoring; and a double-pass electrofishing survey to document the fish community.  All laboratory and data analysis tasks were completed using MBSS methods.  Each benthic sample was identified to the genus level by CRI certified taxonomists, except for Oligochaeta and Nematomorpha, which were identified to the family-level, and Nemata which were identified to the phylum-level.  The MBSS benthic and fish indices of biological integrity (BIBI and FIBI) as well as the physical habitat index were calculated for each site to evaluate overall stream condition within the project area as compared to the upstream and downstream reference stations.  Annual reports were prepared and submitted to Baltimore County summarizing methods, results, and QA/QC measures.


Baltimore County, MD


Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection & Sustainability Watershed Restoration Program

Key Services:

  • Habitat Assessments
  • Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling and Identification
  • Electrofishing Surveys
  • Herpetofauna Surveys
  • Stream Temperature
  • Water Quality