Coastal Resources, Inc. (CRI) conducted environmental studies and permitting for the conversion of the MD0439 distribution line from overhead to underground. The distribution line crosses Marshyhope Creek in Dorchester County, Maryland, and requires boring approximately 1,100 feet beneath the creek. CRI conducted agency coordination regarding the potential presence of federal and state listed threatened and endangered species and cultural and historic resources. The DNR noted the potential presence of seaside alder (Alnus maritima), a “watch list” species, within the project study area and requested avoidance and minimization measures to avoid potential impacts to this species. No cultural or historic resources were noted by the Maryland Historical Trust. CRI also conducted coordination with Dorchester County regarding potential project effects to the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area. In the field, CRI conducted a wetland delineation along the 100-foot-wide distribution corridor using the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region, Version 2.0 (USACE July 2010). CRI gathered field data on hydrology, soils, and vegetation, assessed wetland functions using best professional judgment, and reviewed the results of the GPS survey of the wetland boundary for accuracy. Following the completion of the wetland delineation, CRI prepared mapping of each delineated wetland and water course and included the mapping within a summary report. CRI conducted a survey of potential raptor nests within the cleared distribution right-of-way and within a 100-foot buffer of the cleared right-of-way and an assessment of potential eagle nests within 0.25 mile of the study area. One dilapidated osprey nest and an active bald eagle nest were identified. CRI prepared a summary report of the findings of the raptor nest survey, including mapping of the observed nest locations and a photo log. Once the limits of disturbance were finalized, CRI developed permit plates showing areas of potential wetland and waterway impacts and prepared the necessary wetlands and waterways permit application to authorize the proposed distribution line relocation underground. CRI also coordinated with state, federal, and county agency staff in securing other necessary permits, including the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area authorization. Location: Dorchester County, MD Client: Electric Transmission Client Key Services: Contract ManagementProject EvaluationPreparation and Submittal of Agency Consultation LettersWetland DelineationRaptor Nest SurveyWetland and Waterways Permit Application Preparation, Submittal, and TrackingChesapeake Bay Critical Area Coordination