Coastal Resources, Inc. (CRI) is currently assisting MDTA with project document review, inventory, inspection, and tracking of landscape plantings, environmental compliance, and agency coordination as part of the Natural Resource Mitigation Program under the Office of Engineering and Construction. This branch of the MDTA is responsible for the construction and management of the State’s toll facilities improvements including design, and conformity with mitigation requirements. From 2015 to 2021, the Natural Resources Mitigation Program at MDTA has been involved in the oversite of almost 6,000 trees planted in the form of roadside banks or site-specific plantings to meet mitigation requirements for construction projects. These plantings are tracked under Critical Area Commission (CAC) banks, Roadside Tree Permits (RTP), capital projects, Total Daily Maximum Load (TMDL), Maryland reforestation, or other mitigation projects. Plantings are installed in compliance with landscape plans designed by engineers and reviewed by the Natural Resource Mitigation team and in accordance with the MDTA 2021 Standard Specifications for Construction Materials and other local, state, and federal landscape design standards. After installment, an As-built plan is created via ArcGIS that includes the location, program type, number, and species of tree plantings, which is later entered into a geodatabase to track all plantings across the state. Mitigation-Graph Depending on what type of mitigation requirement is needed, planting sites are monitored for survivability twice a year for one to five years. Survivability, invasive species cover, pest presence, and other disturbances are documented during the time of inspection using tools such as Survey123, ArcGIS Field Maps, and ArcGIS online and can result in the replacement of plantings or implementation of Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) plans. For CAC plantings, monitoring reports are required for years three and five and mitigation credits are given based on survivability at year five. Location: Statewide, MD Client: Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Key Services: Natural Resources Mitigation Program Support