
Paint Branch Stream Restoration

The Purple Line is a light rail transit project connecting Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties in Maryland.  Unavoidable impacts to waters of the U.S., not including wetlands, will total 5,151 lf of perennial and intermittent streams and 355 lf of ephemeral channel.  

Coastal Resources, Inc. (CRI) conducted an extensive site search within the affected watershed for suitable mitigation opportunities.  A segment of Paint Branch near the confluence with Indian Creek was identified as the preferred compensatory mitigation stream restoration site for the Purple Line Project. The Paint Branch stream project is located in central Prince George’s County within the city of College Park, near the College Park Airport, Paint Branch Stream Valley Park, and Lake Artemesia. 

CRI performed a detailed stream geomorphic assessment, a pebble tracer study, floodplain hydraulic analysis, wetland and forest stand delineations, water quality sampling, and habitat and biological data assessments including collecting fish and macroinvertebrates.  These studies documented existing conditions and provided the basis for the restoration design. CRI was the lead designer for the Paint Branch stream restoration project. The study area includes 3,511 linear feet of Paint Branch.  The project focused on stabilization, floodplain connectivity, and habitat improvements.  CRI developed the preliminary investigation and concept design (30%), semi final design (60%) and final design (90%) report, plans, specifications and estimate. CRI also presented the design strategy to stakeholders and review agencies at milestone meetings. In addition, contract documents (100%), including plans, specifications and estimates required for project advertisement were prepared.  Coordination with the College Park Airport and MNCPPC in regard to access, safety briefings, design features, and vegetation and wildlife management was conducted extensively throughout the project.

The Prince George’s County Department of the Environment maintains a Stream Stage Gauge on the pedestrian bridge located over Paint Branch in the middle of the proposed restoration reach. The gauge is part of the county’s flood alert program. Data from the gauge site was obtained by CRI in order to verify the predicted flood frequency calculations.  In addition, CRI performed detailed hydraulic modeling and prepared a hydraulic report to obtain floodplain approvals from the County.


Prince George’s County, MD


MDOT Maryland Transit Administration

Key Services:

  • Delineations
  • Geomorphic Assessment
  • Biological Assessments
  • Tracer Study
  • Hydrology and Hydraulics
  • Mitigation Planning & Design
  • Agency Coordination
  • Permitting