
Sanitary Sewer Design Services, BOA

Coastal Resources Inc. (CRI) provided support services for sewer rehabilitation design under this open-end basic ordering agreement.  Primary work completed under the task order included mapping and assessment of natural resources in the vicinity of each repair project, permit package preparation and submittal, as well as preparation of construction package documents for 70%, 90%, and 100% submittals. 

As part of routine maintenance, WSSC reviews sewer lines and manholes to identify damage and design necessary repairs.  Once a list of rehabilitation projects was identified, CRI was tasked with investigating each asset repair project area (over 170 assets) to determine the location of trees and other existing environmental resources for preparation of construction permits.  

Fieldwork included navigating to each asset and identifying, measuring, and collecting location data on all trees within the vicinity of the asset.  CRI developed a project-specific data dictionary to facilitate data collection, which was accomplished using a hand-held GPS unit with sub-meter location accuracy.  The data dictionary allowed the field technician to assign specific asset information to each tree, to prepare the data in-field for efficient post-processing and mapbook creation.

All field-collected GPS data were reviewed for completeness and used to develop mapbooks of the assets slated for repair, using ArcGIS Desktop and data-driven pages to ensure consistent maps of all assets.  PDF maps were then generated to provide mapping for Roadside Tree Permit packages, Traffic Control permits, and state and county permits required for all construction and maintenance activities.  CRI coordinated the permit preparation and submittals to Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, MDOT SHA, M-NCPPC, and other municipalities to ensure all permits were received in time for construction and maintenance to take place. 

CRI determined properties needing right of entry agreement letters and maps as well as customer notification letters and maps. Additional construction-ready document preparation included an engineer’s estimate for all mainline, manhole, and sewer house connection repairs, work order spreadsheets, and permit tracking spreadsheets.  CRI prepared as-built plan and profile based on GIS data for eight sanitary sewer pipe segments that are slated for replacement or pipe burst repair. CRI also prepared Erosion and Sediment control plans for the associated work.


Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties, MD


Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC)

Key Services:

  • GIS Data Management
  • Tree Survey and GPS Field Data Collection
  • Mapbook Production
  • Permit Preparation
  • Construction Package Document Preparation