
Watershed Restoration Project Pre- and Post-Construction Restoration Effectiveness Monitoring

Coastal Resources, Inc. (CRI) was a subconsultant on this multi-year open-end contract with the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection. CRI provided stream assessment and restoration design support, and physical and biological monitoring. Example tasks are described below:

 CRI conducted annual pre- and post-construction monitoring of Montgomery County’s watershed restoration projects from 2009-2020. CRI was the technical lead and reporting lead for this task.  Monitoring included benthic macroinvertebrates, vernal pools, stream salamanders, freshwater mussels, fish, temperature, wetland vegetation, botanical reforestation, quantitative in-stream habitat, qualitative aquatic habitat, in-situ water chemistry, and hydrologic monitoring up and downstream of, and within restoration project limits to determine baseline and post-construction conditions. Benthic macroinvertebrate and fish sampling was conducted according to Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS) field protocols, while MCDEP protocols were followed for all other parameters.  To meet the requirements of the contract, CRI attended MBSS training annually as well as a calibration/training day with MCDEP for each sampling season.  Data analysis and reporting were conducted for each restoration project to combine the various monitoring parameters and determine the overall success or failures of projects. CRI followed rigorous QA/QC procedures for all aspects of the project including staff training, certification, calibrations, data entry checks, field data collection checks and other measures as issues were identified.  The effort entailed close and constant coordination with MCDEP through all project components, including field work planning, data submittals, and collaboration on reports that integrate County background information with annual monitoring data.  In addition to monitoring, CRI assisted MCDEP with reviewing and revising all MCDEP protocols to ensure that data necessary to meet permit conditions and reporting needs were being consistently collected.  

As part of the first year of this task, CRI also assisted with the Anacostia Watershed Stream Assessment subtask to provide stream and watershed inventory data to MCDEP to develop restoration priorities for streams in the Anacostia Watershed.  CRI participated in qualitative watershed assessments on 50 linear miles of stream to identify potential impairments to streams using the Stream Corridor Assessment (SCA) methodology developed by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. CRI also identified stormwater outfalls and potential failures and contributions to downstream erosion. EPA’s Rapid Bioassessment Protocol (RBP) was utilized to classify representative sites based on instream and riparian habitat characteristics.  GPS and ArcMAP were used to create shapefiles and calculate the percent of each reach with impairments.


Montgomery County, MD


Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (MCDEP)

Key Services:

  • Stream Assessment
  • Biological Monitoring
  • Data Management and Analysis
  • Report Preparation
  • GIS Analysis
  • Watershed Assessment